Seafarers’ Lives Matter

The International Bargaining Forum’s (IBF) Warlike Operations Area Committee (WOAC) has unanimously agreed to designate the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden ‘Warlike’ to emphasise the seriousness of the situation.

This decision taken at a meeting on 12 March 2024 follows the Houthi attack on M/V True Confidence which resulted in the death of three seafarers.

Our first priority is the safety of seafarers.

Ships transiting the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden are Houthi missile targets, putting seafarers’ lives in grave danger. We strongly urge charterers, operators and shipowners to avoid passage through the area until there is no risk to the safety of seafarers from further attacks.

In the meantime, this body is calling for the diversion of vessels, avoiding the sailing through the Newly Established Warlike Area.

The IBF will be asking all employers and union affiliates to lobby their respective governments to intervene and act in the safety of seafarers.

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Survey: your vote matters!

Women make up only about 2% of the global maritime workforce.

"You can achieve any goal you want: women can do everything"

Since childhood, Kateryna Hoyman has dreamed of sea adventures. She spent every spare minute near the Black Sea, looking at the ships. This way, she felt like a part of this big world where every day brings new impressions and challenges. Thus, she decided that her future was connected with the sea.

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